You can view a detailed CV in pdf format.

Employment and education

Assistant Research Professor
(non tenure-track, renewable)
Duke University, Department of Mathematics
Philip Griffiths Assistant Research Professor
Duke University, Department of Mathematics
PhD in Mathematics
UC Berkeley, Department of Mathematics
Advisor: Nicolai Reshetikhin
BA in Mathematics, Economics
University of Virginia

Publications and preprints

Octahedral coordinates from the Wirtinger presentation
submitted [math.GT]
Hyperbolic structures on link complements, octahedral decompositions, and quantum \(\mathfrak{sl}_2\)
submitted [math.GT]
Kashaev-Reshetikhin invariants of links
with Kai-Chieh Chen, Scott Morrison, and Noah Snyder
submitted [math.GT]
Holonomy invariants of links and nonabelian Reidemeister torsion
in Quantum Topology link [math.QA]
Planar diagrams for local invariants of graphs in surfaces
with Kyle Miller
in Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications link [math.GT]

Invited talks
